Channeled by Goddess Inanna:
"Many of you are feeling an almost unknown feeling inside of you. Many of you are feeling an imbalance. In fact my beloved ones, these feelings you are experiencing is the divine feminine consciousness entering your reality. That confusion, that anger, that rage, that sadness, that desperateness, that insecure feeling that you do not know why you are on Earth all pertains to my love becoming a truth in your lives.
I was sent to you many times to bring the balance back to you and though I left my mark each time, we were not successful in attaining complete and utter stability and equilibrium. Long ago, in your human years it seems long ago, the gods were in respect for each other and their connectedness was known among humanity. Humanity knew that the gods relied upon each other to sustain the balance and harmony on Earth.
During those times chaos and tyranny were kept at bay. As the aeons progressed, it became increasingly difficult to project the divine images of the Mother and Father among you. We were saddened how the male god was denied his wife in your eyes and that many turned their back on their divine Mother.
I am telling you now that those times are ending and a new consciousness has engulfed your awareness. You shall feel as if you do not know who you are any more. You will look to each other and you may feel as though you are a stranger among your brothers and sisters but know my beloveds, you are not the only one.
I want to tell you of a great activation that is coming for all of you. This activation will first commence from a chain of events and an energy that will trigger zones on Earth that your great buildings sit on. Even though these buildings may be in ruins this matters not. All of your great buildings were created atop vortexes for they are keys that once stimulated, will unlock grids through interacting with the star gates they are connected with.
Once this grid is turned on all of YOU will be activated and you shall feel yourself becoming closer with the Earth and Each other. The energy lines of this grid contain ancient knowledge left for you by the gods and masters; knowledge that will help you to understand exactly who you are and who we are.
This is a great wake up call for all of humankind. This is the time that many of you know about and have been waiting for. Many of you have been waiting in anticipation for an event like this yet you knew not what you were waiting for. This activation will awaken your memories of me, your divine Mother, the sacred feminine within you. I shall rise and take my rightful place beside the god on the throne of Earth.
The mysteries of my love and my wisdom and my power have been hidden from you for so long, but soon, my beloveds, soon, you shall notice more and more mention of my name and further discoveries shall be made regarding my existence.
Be ready for these synchronistic events. Be ready for the opening of the great Vesica Piscis as two worlds unite and merge in the dance of the Hieros Gamos. The Kingdom is within you but it is also a truth, a reality, and you are already feeling the evidence of its existence.
Know that we have many workers on Earth, Avatars, who are teaching you the wisdom of the gods, not the traditions of man. Know that all who incarnated on Earth did so to prepare you for the new world you shall know. Know that the Avatars of the gods and the Ascended Masters and making a path for the two worlds to emerge. Know that through my representation on Earth you shall be informed of my love and my guidance. I bring to you empowerment for the now to build you up for the future.
Hear me call your name, your spirit energy imprint, welcoming you into the arms of my existence. I beckon you to drink from the fountain of my love. I greet you as your eyes open and you truly see beyond the veil that I am lifting. Hear my call and answer."
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