Channeled by the Anunnaki Council:
"Greetings, daughter, this is the Anunnaki checking in with a message we would like you to share with humanity. As you know many things are showing a great and significant change in your reality; many of you can feel these shifts in your consciousness which may result in you feeling sad at times and elated in others. You may also notice that people are behaving differently or may be showing different characteristics that you never knew they had before. Know that they have always been this way, but you are beginning now to see deeper into the souls of people as you read their vibration patterns which tell you exactly who they are.
You are all currently experiencing a great cleansing as the old textures of DNA are renewed in many of you and you can feel as if you are losing something from yourselves when in reality, you are beginning to discard that which is no longer productive in your life and has no purpose, no positive use. It is also a good time now for you to release, on a conscious level, anything that does not serve you or your higher good for this is not the time now to hoard etheric garbage or hold on to material things that are just weighing you down in all ways. It is time to rise now. Think about cleansing and purifying yourselves. Come now; you know you are entering into this new consciousness. Make the effort to be prepared.
As you know, you are all related not only to each other, to us, the Anunnaki (you are our children) but also to every being and energy in the universe. You are able to, you have the ability to, read each others energy shifts, energy paths and energy trails.
Attached to every soul there is a map, an energy map, which describes where that soul has been, meaning which planet they have inhabited before, who they have lived in previous lives, and even where they will go or who they will be when they pass their present existence on Earth.
A soul map is not so hard to read if you are sensitive to vibrations. Many can even visit the Akashic Records and discover these previous, present and future destinations of their soul if they wish.
So why is this important? Why are we telling you this now? Because now is an important and crucial time I your soul history, especially those who have returned to Earth with a very important mission. It is paramount that you begin to understand and feel each others vibrations for you need to be aware of how you are all connected. Your subconscious knows it but your conscious must also know it so you understand the reality of your connection and place within each others soul family tree.
You must know that there are those who are aware of every beings soul maps, even ours, even other light beings throughout the universe. They also help that being to remember their soul map, their past lives. You also can ask for help in locating your own soul map and reading it.
You have also been wanting to know about Zachariah Sitchin and his translations and the books that he has written. You know that much of what he has written in fiction but you want our opinion of him. We will tell you that he was indeed working for the dark brotherhood. He knew that people would begin searching for the root of civilization, that they would want to go to the beginning from where it all began and so he created his fictional stories to confuse people. We know that he told people that the Anunnaki created humanity in order to make them slaves and to mine for gold for our planet. Please know, humanity, that this is not why we created humanity neither do we want or need gold. We do not have a permanent planet as we move from planet to planet, depending on who needs help.
We created humanity because the Earth needed to be inhabited by a race that would represent all races from all planets. We create humanity to work the land and keep Earth fertile and productive for them, more than anything. Why do you think we taught them agriculture? So that they could learn to grow produce for themselves to eat and never be hungry. The Earth which belongs to the Universal Council but is under our care needs to be inhabited and kept ALIVE. We do not understand why people are so angry at this or so angry at their creators. What is so wrong to be created in order to be this way or to do this? You have a home to live which many of you are destroying. You have free will; you know how to look after yourselves. What is your problem, children? Stop complaining and being so ungrateful for all that you have been given and all that you had. All of you decided to incarnate on Earth and become human beings. The problem is many of you hate your own species and this is not good at all. How do you expect to ascend anywhere when you despise your own race and in turn your own selves so much? You need to adjust your thinking and stop complaining and start doing.
Now back to the false translations of Zachariah Sitchin. Sadly, he had already left instructions to those engulfed by the matrix to continue his false accusations. We have many problems with his work, especially with regards to our brother Marduk and our sister Inanna. He created the most horrific story about Marduk causing his brother Dumuzi’s death. He created so many lies about Marduk in order to make the people hate him but as you know from your relationship with him and also by the true translations, he is a manifestation of the Christ who is not a physical being but a force. Marduk is a champion of the Anunnaki gods, a King among them, and he is the hero on Earth and in our family. He makes horrific claims that Inanna fought with Marduk for control of Earth when this simply is not true. He is trying to create negative energy between the God and Goddess, the male and female aspect that is expressed as human beings, to put man against woman and woman against man, to destroy any hopes of balance and harmony on Earth. He wants to tell the world the lie that man and woman are enemies when we created you in the image of ourselves, as the male and female expressions of the creator, to bring love and unity and balance to all human kind. As the Anunnaki we are, indeed, male and female beings and though we have our differences, it is not because we are male and female; it is because we do not always agree with each other. But this does not make us enemies. In truth Inanna who you also know as Ishtar is the consort, the wife, the lover of Marduk and spreading these lies about their love is an insult to twin flames around the universe and to them especially.
There is one of those who are continuing Sitchins work whether he consciously opted to do it or not. Everything that he is spreading is an insult to not only us but to his fellow brothers and sisters. This is not what we want and not what is intended by the divine plan which he is fighting against. He is within the company of the common person so he is ensuring that this poison is infecting many with these lies. He truly believes he if working for a just cause but if you asked him why he is doing this, he truly would not know what to answer.
We guide you, dear children, to sift through the dirt to find the truth. Dig deep into your cellular memories of the times you were with us physically. We are close to you, always and we love you very much. The time is soon, children, when things will begin to change."
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