Monday, October 29, 2012

Anunnaki DNA Activation

Channeled by Lord Enki:
“I have been with you since the first human memory was created. I was the first male face that the first human saw. Ninmah was the first heartbeat that a human being ever heard. And we were the first Mother and Father that the first human child ever knew. I am Father Enki and you are my children.
Whether you came from the Anunnaki godlines or the bloodlines of other species, you are still my children. I am the first Master Alchemist who gave humanity the gift of life. I am the first Great Architect who designed you, and you are beautiful, each and everyone one of you and so, so precious to me and your ancestors.
During the times of Earth changes and the wars that were made to control you, many of you have forgotten who you are and where you came from. Many of you have forgotten that you are of royal and godly blood and now I am telling you through Inanna’s representative on Earth, that you are indeed all gods.
When the Tablets of Wisdom was passed on to Inanna, she became your Mother, for she taught you the ways of the gods and the paths of civilization. It is only right that she should deliver this DNA activation to you, to help you reconnect with your ancestors and to regain your right to sit on your own throne in your own land.
Many of you may disagree with war and so do we, even though we are known to be a warrior race. What you should also know is that we are creators and that any war we have fought to keep you safe was worth it.
Please read the origins of humanity given to Esophoria by my beloved son, Marduk: The Human Origins.
I will tell you about this DNA Activation. It is a gift of remembrance. It is a gift of wholeness and your right to take your place as a honourary inhabitant of Earth who chooses to live your life in peace with a right to freedom. It is a gift of awakening to who you truly are and it is a gift of empowerment, to recognize that the blood of the gods runs through your veins.
I now pass this activation onto my children who created Esophoria for us to deliver to you in the way that they need to.”
The purpose of this activation is to reconnect all deactivated and forgotten DNA strands which have become forgotten and unused during the thousands of years of your Earth incarnations. By taking part in this activation, you will not only be taken back to your own, true human origins, but you will be realigned with the Anunnaki frequencies who are humanity’s star ancestors. The godlines and bloodlines will be stimulated within you (regardless of which species you originally descended from) which will empower you as a divine human being living on planet Earth.
For more information about this activation please visit our main site at: 

The Call Of Inanna Channeling – Upcoming Global Activations

Channeled by Goddess Inanna:

"Many of you are feeling an almost unknown feeling inside of you. Many of you are feeling an imbalance. In fact my beloved ones, these feelings you are experiencing is the divine feminine consciousness entering your reality. That confusion, that anger, that rage, that sadness, that desperateness, that insecure feeling that you do not know why you are on Earth all pertains to my love becoming a truth in your lives.
I was sent to you many times to bring the balance back to you and though I left my mark each time, we were not successful in attaining complete and utter stability and equilibrium. Long ago, in your human years it seems long ago, the gods were in respect for each other and their connectedness was known among humanity. Humanity knew that the gods relied upon each other to sustain the balance and harmony on Earth.
During those times chaos and tyranny were kept at bay. As the aeons progressed, it became increasingly difficult to project the divine images of the Mother and Father among you. We were saddened how the male god was denied his wife in your eyes and that many turned their back on their divine Mother.
I am telling you now that those times are ending and a new consciousness has engulfed your awareness. You shall feel as if you do not know who you are any more. You will look to each other and you may feel as though you are a stranger among your brothers and sisters but know my beloveds, you are not the only one.
I want to tell you of a great activation that is coming for all of you. This activation will first commence from a chain of events and an energy that will trigger zones on Earth that your great buildings sit on. Even though these buildings may be in ruins this matters not. All of your great buildings were created atop vortexes for they are keys that once stimulated, will unlock grids through interacting with the star gates they are connected with.
Once this grid is turned on all of YOU will be activated and you shall feel yourself becoming closer with the Earth and Each other. The energy lines of this grid contain ancient knowledge left for you by the gods and masters; knowledge that will help you to understand exactly who you are and who we are.
This is a great wake up call for all of humankind. This is the time that many of you know about and have been waiting for. Many of you have been waiting in anticipation for an event like this yet you knew not what you were waiting for. This activation will awaken your memories of me, your divine Mother, the sacred feminine within you. I shall rise and take my rightful place beside the god on the throne of Earth.
The mysteries of my love and my wisdom and my power have been hidden from you for so long, but soon, my beloveds, soon, you shall notice more and more mention of my name and further discoveries shall be made regarding my existence.
Be ready for these synchronistic events. Be ready for the opening of the great Vesica Piscis as two worlds unite and merge in the dance of the Hieros Gamos. The Kingdom is within you but it is also a truth, a reality, and you are already feeling the evidence of its existence.
Know that we have many workers on Earth, Avatars, who are teaching you the wisdom of the gods, not the traditions of man. Know that all who incarnated on Earth did so to prepare you for the new world you shall know. Know that the Avatars of the gods and the Ascended Masters and making a path for the two worlds to emerge. Know that through my representation on Earth you shall be informed of my love and my guidance. I bring to you empowerment for the now to build you up for the future.
Hear me call your name, your spirit energy imprint, welcoming you into the arms of my existence. I beckon you to drink from the fountain of my love. I greet you as your eyes open and you truly see beyond the veil that I am lifting. Hear my call and answer."

Inanna Resurrects You Channeling: An Activation for the 5th Dimension

Channeled by Goddess Inanna: 
"In the instance of true creation comes the flower of a billion stars. Each star represents you, my children. Each soul is so beloved of the creator and of the gods who nurture you. We are you guardians who treasure your existence and so what is paramount to us is your happiness and spiritual health.
And so I bring to you today the message of spiritual nourishment. I bring to you today the gift of true manna. I bring to you today that which will satisfy you and not leave you hungry anymore for those who are left wanting from a faith that they follow are not being fed or nourished by love and true wisdom.
My beautiful, beautiful loves; I want you to feel my heart swell within you; allow my presence that lives inside each and every one of you to expand which each breath you take. I place on the altar of your soul my rose of a billion stars. I place upon the altar of your consciousness my dove of peace and enlightenment. As Sophia, I awaken the I AM presence within you and I share with you so gently the one-ness of love and interconnectedness; with me, with the divine, with each other, and with every being on this planet, with every soul that ever was created, by all the love that belongs to you and all.
Know my beloved children than I, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, is preparing you for this road that is opening up now and this road you shall walk, hand in hand, heart to heart, soul to soul. This road that has now opened its gates to you is the road of human ascension, whereby all who are aware of their own soul evolution and present life destiny shall walk to the next dimension of self awareness and global transformation and revolution.
Breathe with me now; breathe with me. Breathe in love and exhale your intentions. Allow the breeze of your energy to carry your intentions to the universe. Focus on love. Focus on freedom. Focus on service. Focus on how you want your Earth to be; how you wish your brothers and sisters to be, as you enter this new dimension of truth and change for the entire human race.
Enjoy this moment, right now, and know that balance is being resurrected within you as I am resurrected within you and visualize the god and the Goddess dancing together within the heart of your soul as they perform the sacred marriage inside of your consciousness, the sacred marriage that brought you into being. Allow this duality of them and the duality of self to collapse as they become one and so you become one balance child of the creators who was created by the creator.
As you are being prepared for these special times know that all is safe and you are safe and that you are always held within the heart and mind of the divine. Know that as you enter the new epoch of human and Earth history, you shall be the ones remembered for reminding all about the community of self with all and all with self.
The divine have written their divine codes to open the stargates within you. Take the time to meditate and rediscover those codes that were scribed upon your souls by the hands of the gods. Know that these codes will harmonize both your spirit and matter and all your interactions with nature and every living being.
All that you need to know for now, trust that it is being brought into your consciousness. Know that your awareness is being introduced to people and events which will enhance your spiritual education. Be faithful in yourself and in the divine that you and they will work together to bring you through this new existence and celebrate with integrity the truth that I am walking among you and in your hearts, whispering my messages of encouragement into your divine ears and guiding you gently with my ripples within the Earth frequencies.
You must all hold together the thought of me; hold an image of my existence within your minds. Make it so that my ancient, primordial essence shall be reborn in the minds of those who tried to deny me and all of my children who have vouched for me. All those who have erected altars in my name. All those who have awakened to my voice and heard my call. You are home now, my beloved ones; home now and alive within the arms of my raw self, the divine and mighty Shekinah, the Sophia, the Shakti.
I am the Goddess of love, of lust, of passion, of wisdom, of war, of rage, of shadows, of light, of death and of rebirth. Beside me are the manifestations of the Goddess you know who like Ma’at, opens their wings to embrace you within their core beings. Beside me stands the god, the mighty Logos, the god of the hunt, the Sun, the powerful form and formless one of the cosmos who grants within you that Fatherly love you so crave.
I send to you know a beam of light, a beacon that enters your third eye and is then shared by the rest of your chakras. Welcome this activation of my will and the will of the gods, to connect with us during this time, your beloveds and beloved. We walk with you on this new path to this new dimension and we give you our strength to move through these difficult times you are experience and shall experience.
I bare my breasts to you and summon you to drink from my fountain of life and wisdom; get drunk from the nectar of the gods. Allow Ichor to be activated in your veins as you accept that you are indeed born from the loins of the gods and our blood runs through your veins. You are our children and your children’s children are our children. Through the recognition of your own divinity, you are automatically set free and you are born once again in the womb of the Great Mother from the seed of the Great Father. May the gods be praised!"

Goddess Inanna Transmission: A Message To Her Children

Enki about the Divine Laws

Channeled by Lord Enki:
What are the divine laws? How do they shape your world and your very existence?
Even the divine have to obey the divine laws which were put in place for beings of flesh and beings of flesh and beings of divinity alike. All must keep these laws sacred and holy.
He who can think outside of himself is wise.
He who can find the law within himself can write his own tablets of destiny.
He who can recognize the sequence of divine numbers can decode reality for himself.
He who can deprogram others way of mistaken thinking can be a leader.
He who can grow from himself out of nothing is the master of creation.
He who can build with his own two hands his temple becomes a divine architect.
For it is more than giving life through human mating. Giving life is giving wisdom and teaching knowledge to your creation. Remember these laws and work towards them and be defeated by no other man. The greatest wisdom of all is knowing that you have the power to move mountains and believing it is true.

The World Cycle by Lord Enki

Channeled by Lord Enki:

“Water is not only the essence of life; water is not only used to bless. Water is the gateway between your world and ours and between any world that you are wishing to travel to. The Nile was considered the river of doorways which is why Osiris is also known as the God of the Nile. He travels along in his boat, his ARK, carrying the scriptures of old to teach those who wish to travel with him; for it is a choice and a choice of free will.

The net that catches the minds and hearts of humans is the net that collects those wise enough to seek the truth. All others stand and stare, believing that they are free but what they are really are alone like scattered seeds throw onto rock.
You are all gardeners within the garden that is Earth; you are all planters sent to plant your ideas into fertile soil. You are responsible for your own growth and we the gods are responsible for providing you with the food of knowledge to cultivate your library of wisdom. In the end of times of the Piscean age, each of you were preparing the ground for the coming of the Christ consciousness.
Many of the Masters who have incarnated on Earth have been of old the farmers and workers of the soil. With their own fingers they have given life to the soil and turned it.
The earth is penetrated by mass light and intricate veins which are sucking up the knowledge of the atmosphere, that which has been left in the etheric by the masters of ancient times who have given a certain time for it to be spread upon the planet like a blazing comet. With knowledge comes fear initially, fear of what is not known, fear of the unknown and what is revealed to you is revealed now in the time of when the new Aeon is ending, reaching the end of his cycle and will renew himself and be reborn to begin his new reign as king upon this earth once again.
The light of the phoenix spreads its wings around you now, during this golden age, for the eye is watching you and the eye is pleased, the eye of the great manifestor, the eye of the great crafter.
You ask what is the point in all of this, why do this, why now? You know exactly why now and you know exactly why to do this. There is a preparer of the way who is like john the Baptist who announces the return of the true king, the return of the messiah, the one who will baptize others with heavenly fire and in that fire is gnosis, for this is what the fire is.
Words have powerful meanings and words contain FIRE! For it is the FIRE which is the key to bringing enlightenment and will enable others to notice the truth and get the attention of those looking for a beacon, a lighthouse in these dark times. The one who will prepare the way shall spread fire upon this earth for he is the FLAME of all wisdom and Logos.
Surrender to the fire and let it consume you, be rebaptized and allow the Venus Goddess energies to rebirth you and give you a new name. You are near to complete submission to spirit and to your heart. Do not stop now.
All around you are starving stomachs with open mouths, waiting to be fed gnosis. Do not be so selfish as to let your ego stand in the way of feeding the truth manna which has been buried in the deep dark dungeons of the church. For you know true Christianity and you know true agape and through the making of Eros with the Queen this shall deliver the logos, this wisdom through the Goddess and bring agape back to the world.
Hold onto your dreams which you know is true reality and do not be afraid to come out of the dark to show the earth what is true wisdom with your love, your heart, every part of you.
The light eternal is here and shining its light on all those who are ready to receive its illumination. The light of Esophoria is shining brightly like the star of Venus above the boy child born into a world of mistakes and sadness. Esophoria is the hope and the savior of agape, which will bring humanity into a new dimension of reality, an empowerment which will take humanity to a new level of consciousness. The LOGOS seed must impregnate WISDOM.
This is not just a gospel but a doctrine. It is the new doctrine of the Aquarian age and it has been given to you to share it for it was written especially for you to share.
Don’t feel like you are swimming in a sea of confusion. Don’t feel that you don’t know where to go next. You must have faith in us and not approach this with fear or ego in your heart. This is the new way which will reach thousands within its first year of re birth and you must trust us, trust in the divine, to guide you and provide you with the material you need.
My message to you today also regards the Milky Way and the serpent that dwells within it for the serpent within it is he that is coming and he that is coming is a stargate who creates the entrance for other avatars such as gods, Masters and other species to descent to Earth. There are many stories that you have read, each with their own interpretation of the truth yet each interpretation IS the truth.
The Milky Way is like the cosmic egg which holds the seed of the coming Christ, held in place by the Cherubim of the Anunnaki. He is the son of Lord Marduk and this son is an incarnation of Enki, the water bearer, Marduk’s own father, for this is the pattern and how it always has been and how it always shall be. This is the true world cycle, to remove the old and bring in the new with the past always seeping into the future and the future always vibrating in the past, for time is now and time is gone. Your responsibility is to walk between them both.”

Stargates and Twin Flame Love Signals: Channeling from Lord Marduk

Channeled by Lord Marduk:
"There is always a gatekeeper to every stargate and there is always a key keeper. Together they are able to open stargates on Earth. These stargates open where they are needed to be opened for all gatekeepers and keykeepers meet for a divine reason, a reason that has been predestined. These stargates have already been mapped out, long before the gatekeeper and key keeper incarnate and become of age.
As Marduk, I am one of the original key keepers and Inanna is one of the original gatekeepers. Together we opened many stargates and passed this down to our avatars who are now guided by us when and how to open more.
It is possible for a mass consciousness to open these doors, but who said that this is divine will? How do you know that any human decision to open stargates is the will of the divine or divine intervention? When stargates need to be opened, the divine will connect with you in a language you understand and ask you to do it, for these stargates, as I have said before, have already been decided. There may also be other light beings to open a channel with you and ask you to do the same. All are working towards the divine plan.
Of course, there are beings on and off Earth who do not support the freedom or ascension of humanity and those are the ones who will spread these rumours for humans to open stargates for them. We ask that when these events take place, because we know that they do, instead of following the crowd please ask yourselves if this is divine. Investigate what will come from this. What is the purpose for opening these gates? Do you know it? If not, do not do it. Please use your logic.
What are the purposes of stargates? The purposes of stargates are to allow light beings and the gods to travel to Earth. These stargates are outlets and inlets for human consciousness. Attached to these stargates are wormholes that allow beings to travel through many light years to enter Earth. We are highly advanced but there are still many species from very distant planets that still cannot travel to Earth because of the distance, so these stargates with attached wormholes are a great benefit.
You must also know that this is not only a benefit to light beings or Earth visitors but in time they shall also be used by humans. There are some that were found long ago, solid structures that were being used from various exit and entry points in the orient, Europe, South America and the Middle East. Babylon had the most amount of entry and exit points and the first solid structure was created and kept there. There are now several still intact and in working order in China and Japan but the main one that was kept in Babylon has been taken by the dark brotherhood and thankfully they have not been able to understand how it works.
Humans would also use those stargates, especially during the times of Atlantis. Pythagoras and Jesus used those stargates many times during their visits to Lyra where they were taught by the masters what to teach on Earth.
Many stargates need to be opened to allow the consciousness of the kingdom to enter Earth reality so when you feel you are making holes in the false matrix you are in fact opening stargates.
The more stargates that are opened, the more messages you shall receive from your universal brothers and sisters and these can come in the form of crop circles.
I want to talk to you about the stargates that are opened by the performance of the hieros gamos. Through uniting body with body, soul with soul, heart with heart and mind with mind, the stargates that are opened link up a direct connection with the divine. The energies of the divine are projected to Earth as the hieros gamos energies are sent out into the cosmos as a signal that goes on until eternity, through all time and space, through all dimensions and through all directions. This love signal reverberates of all plants and constellations and resounds throughout the universe.
As the divine husband I can tell you that this signal is a calling to all beings in all lands to unite their yin and yang energies and project these energies back to Earth to create the balance that is so lacking there.
The divine phallic energies penetrate the divine yoni energies and all that hear the signal begin to merge with their higher selves. Those who are the chosen representations of me and Inanna on Earth create a rhythm of a frequency which vibrate off each human being and reminds them to find the balance within themselves and unite the male and female within. Their love and their love making reignites the language of one-ness and unity and all twin flames understand this language and feel a yearning and a desire to mate with their twin flames to create this same melody. This is the song of the gods. This is the Song of Solomon. This hexagram in cosmic form is the seal which keeps all negative beings at bay and protects humanity from hate.
Each time they make love they merge with their true selves and instigate a chain reaction event in their lives where they begin to understand the kingdom and live within a life where they do not know pain or hunger or need or poverty. As the Kingdom energies penetrate Earth reality and enter through these Vesica Piscis stargates, Earth shall begin to live that truth that there is no pain or hunger or wars or need.
So my message to you, our children, is to think before you are told by man to open stargates. Who will enter should you open these stargates? Are you ready to deal with the energies you are inviting? We love you and we want to protect you as well as teach you to be wise in the choices you make."

Heart Communication: When Love Speaks by Lord Marduk

Channeled by Lord Marduk:
"Nanaea, my love, how deep is the depth of the human heart? How much can a human being feel for him or herself or for others? I can feel inside your heart and I know you can feel inside of mine. But what I will teach you today, my eager student, how to pass love onto others without it taking away from yourself. Yes, I know about unconditional love. But you know, sometimes, many times, actually, people do get drained when they are constantly giving because it also depends on the intention of the person who is taking. You see, there is an invisible exchange in energy between the giver and the taker but not everyone possess this mechanism in the give and take scenario, or, they choose not to give anything in return.
So listen. When people talk about giving unconditionally they are not aware that nothing is given for nothing in this universe. It is simply impossible. As I explained, the giver and the taker form a bond which is in the form of a cord which attaches itself from one to the other. The giver gives but the taker also gives. This is nothing to frown about. This is GOOD! It means the human heart is humbled by being given this gift of love and so wants to return it back to the giver.
So, because your job DOES include giving unconditionally and because you DO get tired because there are takers who do not have the giving back mechanism or who refuse to, I will teach you how to give without becoming drained. Before you help someone to give unconditionally I want you to stop for a moment and close your eyes. Call on the power of the cosmos. You know that there is a universal heart chakra which is like a deposit and debit bank. You shall be taking some love from there so I want you to ask the universal heart chakra to flow through you as you give to others. This way, it is not coming from you but from this bank in the cosmos. All who read this can also access this place of eternal and flowing love and they can use this love the same way.
I can imagine how those who think I am just a war god will be amazed at my words of love and this is because they do not know me as the divine lover or the divine husband or that I am a fertility god. (He smiles) But remember that I also have to give unconditional love to my people and I also give it from the universal heart Chakra.
(Marduk touches my heart)
Nanaea, all humans are linked through their heart Chakras. All humans are also connected to the gods through the heart Chakra. It is in the heart that you can feel distortions in the consciousness of humanity. It is in the heart that you can feel new energies entering and leaving your consciousness. The heart is a compass, believe me. The heart is a satellite which can receive and transmit love but also soul messages. Humanity talks to each other through the heart. Humanity talks to light beings and the gods through the heart. People believe that to speak to other beings telepathically they must use the mind but this is wrong thinking; it is through the heart that you speak telepathically and the heart which is the most powerful organ of communication that ALL beings in the universe posses. So when you feel that you can hear the thoughts of others, you are not really hearing them; you are FEELING them.
So again, my beloved, I will recap. When the giver gives, he or she sends out the message through the heart to the taker that says, “I love you, please love me too” with which the taker replies by returning that love. Therein lays the balance."

The Human Origins

In this archeological relief we see the tree of life and above it, Lord Marduk.
Humans were created by the Anunnaki/Elohim in their image (like the Bible states) and other alien races participated in a plan created by the Anunnaki who created humanity based on the universal laws and the commands of the Universal Council about the hybridization of Earth. Every being that is born on Earth is created in human form because all humans came from the human prototype known as Adam. As humans, every relationship you have with Angelic beings comes through the Anunnaki, who are the Elohim, who were transformed into Archangels by the Abrahamic religions in their attempt to attract people into their organized belief system. The Anunnaki are also the Ascended Masters when in their avatar incarnation.
For example, Ashtar is an avatar of Ashur/Marduk, and he provided this information to people like us because obviously, we are the only people here in earth that we can deal with the false frequencies because of who we are and what our mission on Earth entails.
Your soul may have connections with 100 alien races, but as a human you are within the divine matrix of the Anunnaki and there is no way out of it as they are the creators of humanity and as humans you descend from their bloodlines.
The truth is slowly making itself known and in the truth that has already been revealed, it is clear that no one should try to manipulate the frequencies of the gods nor go against them, as we live within their authority even though we have free will and they gave us Earth to rule. In all reality, you are either with the gods and work towards human freedom and ascension or you are against them and going against the gods is not a wise choice.
This is a channeling from God Marduk about the origins of humanity regarding an experience I had with two Draconians who visited me during a dream and gave me a box as a gift:
Theophilos: Why did these Draconians visited me and what was the box they gave me?
Marduk: The two Draconians were low ranking soldiers. The soldiers are also priests. They were acting as messengers and I didn’t know them personally from any life time. They were just messengers.
Theophilos: What was the box?
Marduk: The box was a gift and inside was some codes that belongs to you.
The Draconians haven’t always been the enemies of man; in the time when I walked the Earth they also lived on earth and so worked together.
Theophilos: What are the codes?
Marduk: They are not numbers. They are Hebrew letters.
Theophilos: How do they know Hebrew?
Marduk: They do not specialize in Hebrew and neither was the box theirs or the codes; they were just keeping the box safe for you because it belongs to you.
Theophilos: What connection do I have with the Draconians? Why did i gave THEM the box to keep for me?
Marduk: The Draconians were great mathematicians and one of your teachers was a Draconian. It was your teacher who had held onto the box for you for when you would need it again. You must also know that you was educated by the great philosophers and mathematicians in your incarnations.
There was a time when no humans lived on the earth….for thousands of years; earth was a place where races of all species came to settle on earth. There were many mystery schools created and beings of different races sat side by side in these classrooms. Education began at a young age, and the teachers were of all different races.
There was a council for earth, very much like a government which consisted of a representative of each species which lived on earth.
These different species lived together in harmony for thousands of years. Earth was a new colony made up of the different beings from around the universe. The Anunnaki were one of the species. They formed their own council just like each species formed their own council. Species did NOT inter-breed with each other…they could not…they did not have the same anatomy and not all were humanoid.
Did you never even think of this before I told you? And even if there were other races that were humanoid it doesn’t mean that they mated the same way or had compatible sexual organs nor had babies the same way. Neither did they at this time want to inter-breed. They were not even attracted to each other.
And then there was an invasion. The Draconians invaded with the Cyclades and they wanted to take control of earth. There were not many warring species here but the Anunnaki were wise in battle.
The Anunnaki fought with the Draconians but at the end of the war much of what had been built on earth had been destroyed. The Draconians were forced to leave earth, along with the Cyclades, but there was not much of an incentive to keep the rest of the races on earth so they began to leave, but first the universal council and the council on earth had meetings to decide what to do with earth.
They did not want to leave it uninhabited incase the Draconians returned and claimed it for themselves and the council wanted to keep the earth as an annex or a safe haven because it was habitable.
By the time this had happened there were already beings which you call Neanderthals on earth but they were more intelligent than you believe them to be. They would live in tribes far away from anyone else.
The council made a decision with the Anunnaki that the Anunnaki would stay on the earth and rebuild it and protect it from any invading species. The problem was that not many of the Anunnaki were willing to either come or stay on earth and so the family of Anu stayed and took control. Because they were not many, they realized they needed workers. The Igigi were hybrids of the Anunnaki that they had brought from their planet and they agreed to stay with them, under the rule of the Anunnaki and help to rebuild the cities on earth while the Anunnaki, the Architects, designed the plans for the cities. After some time the Igigi began to complain about the heavy workload but nothing happened at this point with them.
Enki decided to create humans, beings who could also help with the building of the cities. The divine plan was that once they had rebuilt the entire planet, these humans would be left to look after earth. Enki is a great physician and scientist and just as you read in the Sumerian creational story, he took DNA from the beings native to earth and the DNA of his own and planted the sperm he had created and ‘made better’ from the Neanderthal man mixed with his own DNA and injected it into the egg of the Goddess Ninmah.
They created the first humans and they multiplied and they taught them what you know they were taught, how to write and read, how to work the land, how to design, how to build etc They began helping the Igigi to rebuild earth, growing crops, planting seeds, breeding animals and building cities. It was explained to them why they were doing this. The Igigi did not like that these beings were so loved so much by Enki and Ninmah and demanded they double the workload for the humans which Enlil refused. He did not want these Igigi’s having too much time on their hands because they were known for causing trouble and could not be trusted.
When the men went to work the Igigi would visit the women and rape them and impregnate them. Because the Igigi were hybrids they had the anatomy of the Anunnaki which matched the anatomy of humans but the offspring created beings that were mentally unstable because there was a defect in the mixing of these human with the Igigi.
These children, these offspring, were wanted by no one wanted because of how they could not commune with the others living on earth and so they also lived in the outskirts of the towns, away from everyone. The Igigi were punished for what they had done but because they were needed in the building, the Anunnaki gave them another chance. By this time they had begun to complain more about their workload and this is when they revolted against the Anunnaki and they had a war with them. They killed many humans to bait the Anunnaki. By this time most of the building had been complete. M any humans were permitted to search the earth and travel away from Sumer which was the main headquarters of the Anunnaki though the Anunnaki had also migrated to other areas of earth with humans and Igigi to rebuild towns.
The offspring of the Igigi hybrids had been multiplying and now they were raping and killing men and women whenever they felt like it, even eating their flesh. Because of this Enlil ordered the flood. You know the story about Adapa; I don’t need to go into this. The flood happened in what you call the Middle East; it did not happen to the whole world. There also weren’t so many people who died in the flood, either.
When the water had dried the Anunnaki brought back those who had moved to other places and they began mating and multiplying again. When everything was built back up and the earth was re-populated again, the Anunnaki took a back seat and allowed humans to govern themselves, hence the laws and the schools. Everything was taught to them so that they could live alone and keep the earth populated. It was theirs to do with what they wanted provided they abided by the laws.
By now members of the council were not happy that the only hybrids on earth were from the Anunnaki so they decreed that there should be small tribes from each species to reside on earth and they asked Enki to create hybrids of the different races. Some could not be made human, no matter what Enki tried to do…it just was not possible. And so these tribes lived in different countries in the world.
When it came time to leave, after civilization had been taught, the problem laid in who would stay to at least keep an eye on humanity and be here on the inside as guides. The council asked that the Igigi be given another chance thought the Anunnaki did not want this but it had been voted by the council that they stay after the Anunnaki left.
Enki stayed and some others but the majority of the Anunnaki left…and then you know the rest, we have already told you how the Igigi turned on humanity and even the council’s wishes and took control.
The people of the earth are considered to be under the care of the Anunnaki but the earth itself is under the council of light. Ninmah is the mother of all of humanity and the true father is man which is why Jesus always said, “I AM THE SON OF MAN!” The only way to incarnate onto the earth was through Adam and Eve…every man is Adam and every woman is Eve, even if their soul is that of a god or Goddess. Not every Goddess who incarnates on earth is Ninmah…the one chosen to bring divine children is as you know, Inanna.
Over the coming times they have struggled to regain control of the earth and tried to do it in such a way that humans will not die but this is too difficult.
Not all Draconians are bad…there are still some good ones who are double agents and working for the good of humankind.
Theophilos: So what about the other races that are here?
Marduk: They are also considered humans and so under the care of the Anunnaki. You must understand we could NOT come back, not all of us, because it would have been considered an invasion, by the council and even by the humans because they had forgotten long ago who we were, who we REALLY are. This is why we sent and continue through the ages to send avatars who have been preparing our return but we still cannot return in the sense that you may think that we walk the earth again. We return to take control back and give it to our appointed avatars.
There are avatars being born of other species, too, but I must stress that we are the protectors of humanity so naturally it is us who are at the forefront of these missions when we need to make shake ups from the INSIDE.

The Process of Divine Intervention

We asked Lord Anu why they allow bad things to happen to humans he responded with the following message:
“Marduk has already explained to you that we cannot just descend on earth as we did thousands of your years ago; we cannot just land on earth. For one, we don’t have the permission to do this as it will cause too much imbalance among the humans and they will feel threatened by us; they will feel we are invading and they will not see us as their gods. They would attack us and we would have to kill them to defend ourselves and we do not want to do this. We do not want to see our children raging against us when we ALL love you very much; even Enlil cares. So now I will tell you how divine intervention works.
You must understand that we left long before Egypt. All of the gods that manifested were our avatars and this is how we work; we manifest on earth as avatars throughout time when we need things to be done but know that it can take THOUSANDS of years to create a desired outcome. We cannot frighten mankind with bringing changes too quickly. It took a very long time from when Jesus went to earth for Christianity to really take a hold. I know you want to know about the time of intense patriarchy when women were pushed inside and locked up. Why did we allow this? Did we allow it? NO, WE DAMN WELL DIDN’T!
We cannot control everything that happens on a day to day basis through physical ways. Like now you are speaking to me, like the way we speak to you and give you guidance, all this is our projected thoughts to you; we can intervene this way to guide you but we cannot incarnate a god on earth every day that is going to change the world. It takes a lot of planning; the timing and circumstances MUST be right! Yes, gods are incarnating and completing their missions but for a god to incarnate who is going to change the world needs a lot of team work not only from us but from other races who are incarnating on earth, too.
Earth is like one huge space ship which is carrying humans to a different destination. You believe them to be dimensions when they are not; they are destinations where the energies are different; earth and humanity are constantly traveling to different places and they don’t even realize that this is what it is.
Ascension is not the same for humans with human souls; it is just enlightenment, but for avatars much is different. Every time avatars make love with their twin they get closer to becoming a god on earth and not just an avatar; they have double crown chakras that open up and link them to their godly lineage and they inherit more of their godly abilities. No, they cannot fly; they cannot fly without mechanisms because WE are ALSO avatars of greater gods and we are part of the evolution process, too. If you cut me I will bleed, we can die. We are NOT immortal, but we are divine gods and expressions of the divine.
So you want to know why we allowed it and didn’t intervene fast enough. I have explained to you what it is for us to incarnate and now I have to explain to you about the matrix. You know that by this time the matrix was well and truly put into place. It is a device that was passed from empire to empire who kept the matrix up, working and in order. Those who created the matrix knew from early on that if the Goddess and woman were kept in hiding that they could gain control over the divine laws but NOT the divine plan. They know their days are limited but they continue cheating us and cheating nature. As you know, Goddess/woman energy is very powerful; it is what keeps the earth going and keeps the balance. Writers were put in place such as the dreaded Homer, who spread the matrix lies far and wide. He was also a puppet who worked for the matrix creators. He was also perverted. Remember Crowley? What did Crowley do? He had sex with men and women and young boys. Many who we have sent to write the correct stories, even some fake ones have been tempted to turn to their dark side simply because they would rather give in to their carnal pleasures rather than their divine ones. They were too weak to control the dragon within and turned away from the divine. So anyway, as you already know, but I shall say it, the Goddess is more powerful than the god on earth. Woman is more powerful than men and this is because that even their wives become like their mothers. Only a woman can bring a man balance in his rage and anger and murderous instincts! Only SHE can stop wars, even though she can create them. But this is another story for another time. It is not that men FEAR woman’s power; it is that they know that by keeping her away from being powerful they can continue with the imbalance and have things THEIR way; they can continue giving in to their murderous and shadow natures without feeling the guilt that a woman can make them feel. A woman shows a man where he is going wrong and they didn’t want this, and so without the wives who are also their mothers, they lost their minds and they were like children set free in a candy store, not having to pay for anything. They may not have paid for it with money, but they paid for it with their SOULS! A woman keeps a man in check; she brings him back to reality and makes him be responsible for his actions. Man was indulging in the sickness set upon them by the feeders of the matrix lies in society and they just fed their own sicknesses. They become the lost sheep, and they are still lost…
And so with careful planning and when the time is right and the Goddesses were crying and the gods were pulling at their hair and stamping their feet, we sent Jesus. All the prophecies had already been put into place through the hundreds of years but the Hebrews, those dirty rats! They were the keepers of the matrix! They knew the secrets of dissolving the veil and to reaching US! THE DIVINE! But they kept it from man! And so when Jesus went to Earth they hunted for him to kill him. You were right in your thinking that Jesus came to end carnal pleasures between men which were not based on pure love and it WAS the only way to bring the sacred feminine BACK into reality and BACK through the matrix. Though Jesus did not succeed in bringing back the Goddess altogether he was able to bring an end to the disgusting acts of it being just a man’s society. The Hebrews are the original Igigi and if you must know, Rome worked for them and the Hebrews were and are a big part of Rome.
The Hebrews were only told they were Gods chosen people so that the Christ could be born right in the MIDDLE of the place where the matrix was created. It was just so it was possible for this to happen. They never were our chosen people; they are the children of the Igigi and they shall be punished in time. Sadly those you call the elite who are part of the joint Hebrew/Roman empire and also to incarnate their abominations because the original Igigi taught them how to. There is a true war happening and whether you know it or feel it, you are in the middle of it.”

Mind Alchemy by Lord Marduk

Channeled by Lord Marduk:
"The spiral goes both ways as you know. In truth, no one understands which way the spiral goes. Does it go inward or does it go outward? Its appearance can be deceiving but in reality, it doesn’t really matter which way it turns as it is very much like the lemniscate which goes on until infinity. With the spiral whatever you send out comes back to you and whatever you look for within yourself you can find outside of yourself.
The leminiscate is the symbol of the magician and as you know I am also a magician. You may wonder how you can break this cycle. This is where alchemy comes into play. Any other person without any knowledge of alchemy gets lost in the constant sequence of how one reality is sent out and ultimately comes back the same. There is no change. But the magician knows how to break the cycle, the eternal loops of the lemniscates and thus change the sequence.
Now am I stating that you can change eternity? No, I am not saying this. What I am saying is what you send out into the universe or out into infinity does not necessarily mean that you will receive the same back. You can send out and echo and through mind alchemy change ad transmute it into something else so that when it comes back to you, it is a completely different thing than what you sent out.
I know there are schools of thought among human beings that everything is a mirror of you but this can also be changed. They also believe that you attract what you send out and this does not have to be this way. Sometimes, these ideas of the laws of attraction are like the links of a chain but chains can bind you to limiting beliefs and then drag you like a prisoner into the eternal sequence of the same cycle over and over again.
Others say that by changing a thought you can break the cycle. But still, this is trapping you in the same belief that you cannot change the echo you sent out. This is why many get caught up in the ensnarement of karma because they believe that once it is sent out it cannot be changed and what they sent out is going to come back the same.
The true alchemist knows how to change that echo once it is sent out. How does the true alchemist do this? By creating a different reality before it returns, thus breaking the cycle and defeating the system that has locked you into limited thinking.
I will ask you this: How can you break the chains that bind you? By realizing that not everything has a cause and affect. How? By changing the affect once the cause has occurred. As a magician I know many tricks and all alchemists are magicians with tricks. How else can they transmute one thing into something else? Well, is the product they have transmuted real or is it an illusion?
To the eye it is real yet the alchemist knows it is an illusion. Does this matter? No it doesn’t because it serves its purpose. Simply by knowing that you can change the affect of a cause gives you the power to break the cycle. That is right; simply as knowing. Ah, did you catch that Nanaea? ‘Knowing’.
You know gnoima? Gnoima is knowing all; it is being aware of the self and the capabilities of the self. It is the ability to change the affect by creating the illusion. Do you understand? Can you understand? Remember what Jesus taught? You can change an outcome by prayer or by faith or by belief. What he was trying to say, this master magician, is that through your belief and faith you can change anything you want and this is mind alchemy.
Now what if I told you that those who believe they cannot change cause and affect are the ones that are truly living in an illusion? What if I tell you that this belief or a set of beliefs are an illusionary world made up of cross paths and frequencies that act as a net of illusions? And what if I tell you now that the only reality is breaking cycles, not those of life and death, but the cycles of what you believe you are capable of? The only way to break the cycle is to break the illusion and the only way to break the illusion is to become an alchemist who changes illusion back into reality.
What is reality? Everything that is limitless. What is the illusion? That you are bound to the laws of cause and effect and that cycles cannot be broken. Ah, and now we come back to spirals and labyrinths. Do you remember what I told you recently about the labyrinth, that it is a spiral of enlightenment and there are different levels? And did I not tell you that by completing the labyrinth enlightenment is the prize? Solomon got the grail. Jesus got the Grail. I got the grail. Who is the grail? Wisdom in human, female form. But what does man get? The mind of the alchemist, who knows that he can transmute illusions into realities and realities into illusions and that there are no limits, that many beliefs only bind you to a helpless existence of not knowing how to break the cycle.
You are living in an illusion created by alchemists who were taught mind alchemy. The only way you can see the reality is by creating reality with your own mind alchemy. Expand your consciousness outside the net of illusions and break all limiting beliefs about yourself and what you are capable of. You also have many tricks. I know for I gave them to you."

The Origins of the Human Avatar by Lord Enki

Channeled by Lord Enki:
"The populace of power is the order of a nation. The remains of all that was is used to re create a new and renovated structure. Do not think that things are discarded and forgotten about. All the materials are recycled and transmuted to create a new kind of existence which is then implemented on Earth. Each time a new age enters into your consciousness it is created using all the same energies that belonged to the previous age. It is the same for the soul. You return to Earth, the same souls, only with a different body.
Helen: Why do the same souls return to Earth?
Enki: I am speaking generally my Nanaea. But the same souls DO return to Earth for you are workers and you return to continue your work. You may have different lives, different identities, but your work mission is still the same. This is another reason why we created the human body, to house the souls who needed to come to Earth to do the work of the divine.
Helen: Why does it matter? Why is it important?
Enki: Because there were other beings that were on the Earth before humanity, as you know. As Marduk told you before, humanity was created to keep the Earth in good working order. As it began to fall into disarray. We could not continue to occupy Earth so we sent our avatars. All bodies on any planet are avatars. What matters is which soul occupies the avatar. Some are Anunnaki gods, some are the workers of the Anunnaki, and many are souls who choose to make a contract to inhabit Earth to carry out the work of the divine.
Helen: Why does there need to be any beings on Earth at all? Why does there need to be any soul incarnating into any body on Earth?
Enki: There didn’t have to be, but it became so. Nanaea, Earth is a new planet compared to other planets in the universe. I am not talking about the life that evolved there but knows that this life, the seeds that evolved into primitive beings, came from other planets. Earth can be too dense for many spirits to visit without occupying a body to act as a vehicle so naturally they had to incarnate as human beings.
Now I want to talk to you about some of the members from the Galactic Federation of Light and some of the others who are members of other organizations. There are many out there who believe the Anunnaki to be only interested in death or violence or destruction. There are many who believe, and wrongly so, that we are reptilian. My question to them is, from what source do you receive this information? What is their agenda? And can you provide material, records that predate the Sumerian and Babylonian tablets that talk of any other race of beings that created humanity? So my dear children for you ARE my children, my message to you is this: by denying that we are divine and the creators you are denying that part within yourselves that is divine. By denying that we are your ancestors, you are disconnecting any DNA strands that are valuable to your spiritual evolution. Truthfully I say, we do not care if you believe us to be all of those things I have mentioned for it is you who has to deal with yourself and because we gave you the gift of free will, your choice. Just know that with choice comes a price; it will either reward you or punish you. Choose wisely.
Helen: Where do you come from? What are your thoughts and opinions about the Creator?
Enki: As you know we believe that there is one source, one Creator that created ALL. We believe that the Creator created every soul. For you see, we can create bodies, Nanaea, but we cannot create souls (he smiles). We do not have a religion. We do not condone religion. We do not advise religion. We do advise belief and faith. First in the self and then in others. We believe in one cosmic energy that flows through all beings that are solid and non solid. Meaning, spirit and spirit that has incarnated into matter. We believe that this one cosmic force connects each and every one of us and I will tell you this love; we are ALL equal! We are all equal for we each possess equal parts of the Creator, of source.
Helen: So why do we worship other beings such as gods?
Enki: Because you have forgotten to worship yourselves and we are a reflection of you and all that you are. You know us as the Anunnaki family and this is what humans should see themselves as being. Contrary to the belief of many we did not ask you to worship us. We asked you to follow us and let us show you the way out of darkness. We are directors and guides. Each has a different rank and responsibility. You must understand that just because we have a hierarchal system doesn’t mean that it measures worth among us. We are all equal; we just have different abilities depending on our strengths. We are your creators and therefore responsible for you. We were also assigned to guide and be responsible for you by the Universal Council. This makes me think with mirth why some humans fear us (he laughs); obviously they have fallen into some black hole of thought that has stolen all their sense and replaced it with a more primitive and disconnected way of thinking, don’t you think, Nanaea?
Helen: Well, you are my teacher, Father Enki. I try not to think too much when you are speaking until you allow me to speak for I wish just to absorb all you say.
Enki: I want you to look at the Universal Council. They have a hierarchal system in place. There is an assigned chief yet when they make a decision it depends on the number of votes for or against that decision. Look at how a king would rule a country. He has his own council. They would listen to the wants of the people and decide which action to take depending on the votes of the for or against. Look at the Anunnaki Council. A god may put forward a decision and all gods must vote for or against it. This is diplomacy.
The problem with your governments is that they have stopped listening to the voice of the people and make choices to suit themselves and expect the people to accept their decisions. The people are given the decisions of the governments to vote on when none of these decisions come from the people.
So you must understand that this is what a council is. The council votes and the majority wins. The world you live in, the minority wins and the majority are not heard.
Now this takes me to the story you were discussing regarding Marduk freeing the gods from the belly of Tiamat. Without the council there would be no diplomacy, no fairness, and considering that there was only one decider of fates, all were bound to the decision of one, regardless if that decision suited any being at all. Yet know this; when the Anunnaki Council for Earth decides on a decision it is for the good of humanity, not the good of the gods.
You asked where do we come from. We come from everywhere and nowhere. We incarnate and inhabit all planets for we are the archetypes that manifest the expressions of the Creator of your universe. The inhabitants on other planets do not necessarily come from us but some arrive from other universes that run parallel to the universe Earth dwells in. Everyone has a role to play in keeping order in the universe.
Helen: So why do the gods or anyone decide our fate? Why can’t humanity not decide for themselves?
Enki: A king became a king by birthright yet those he had in his council were the most intelligent and wise in the land. When the gods left and were not involved in human day to day affairs, there had to be a council put in place to deal with human affairs. It is not easy to make a decision that suits all, Nanaea, but it has to suit the outcome in general. Humans are running in different directions with their own individual decision on what they believe to be truth. There is no system and no structure. Whether humans like it or not there will always be someone wanting to run the world so for safety reasons, a council was created that was run by men and women for the reason of protecting humanity from tyrants and dictators.
Helen: What is the deal with religion on Earth and monotheism? Is monotheism good for humanity? Is polytheism good for humanity? What are your thoughts and your message on this?
Enki: Every god is an expression of the Creator, just as you are each expressions of the Creator. We reflect you and you reflect us. We created you but automatically because of your soul you are reflections of the Creator because your soul manifested from the Creator. With monotheism you see only one face of the Creator and because you are reflections of the gods, you mirror the archetype of that one god which has been placed as the chief or head of that religion. Every person manifests an archetype of the Creator and this is why they resonate with a god who mirrors their own archetype. In truth, this god that they resonate with and who carries the same archetype of themselves they deem as a higher being because it is a reflection of their higher self.
So let’s digress my beloved. If there was only one god offered to humanity, and this god projected only ONE archetype, one face of the Creator, not every human would be able to connect with him and this will stunt their connection to the divine. Humans connect with the divine through a god they resonate with and this is ok because each god is just a branch from the same tree; all its branches come from the same root. This is what the Creator is; the creator is the root that manifests itself into different branches which humans can identify themselves with.
Now, do WE worship others deities? No, we don’t; we worship the creator that is both male and female. Humans can also do the same but there are those who cannot connect to this because they need a visual representation, an idol, which offers them direct connection in this form.
There is nothing wrong with idols of the divine for they offer doorways to the Creator but we do advise that they are taught that these idols are only one face of the many expressions of the ALL.
So, we do not agree with monotheism in the sense that humanity worship one face of the creator. Humans should have a choice of which deity they feel called to follow in order to understand and master that particular archetype of the Creator. When there is only one face of the divine on Earth and humans are forced to follow the laws of this one created image, then they cannot express all of the other facets of the divine.
When a human is chosen or chooses a deity that reflects their archetype, that human becomes a student of that deity who teaches the student about themselves and all that deity represents.
We know you have humans that say that there is one god, one creator and who say that the creator is both male and female and this is true. Yet the truth is EVERYTHING in the universe is one and that the Creator is not to be defined as a separate entity for it is not. It is ALL and ALL makes up one.
Ninmah and I manifest ourselves in the form of a son, a messenger, and also a daughter, the empowerer. They complement each other. They are manifestations of the sacred male and female energies of the Creator. I am sad to say that long ago, in older Earth times, it was well understood that the Christ was known to not incarnate alone for he has his eternal partner, the sacred feminine. As the dark brotherhood proceeded to destroy all idols of Asherah, she still incarnated yet it was better during those times that her existence remained quiet and she completes her mission with the Christ avatar.
Helen: Thank you for your teaching Father Enki. I am very tired now. What should I call this channeling?
Enki: I know Nanaea. I love you very much. I advise you to call this channeling, ‘The Origins of the Human Avatar by Lord Enki’."